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Chief of General Department of Politics visits Viettel

Đăng ngày: 17/01/2013 09:04
 Chief of General Department of Politics visits Viettel
Chief of General Department of Politics visits Viettel - Trưởng tổng cục chính trị ghé thăm Viettel

Trưởng tổng cục chính trị ghé thăm Viettel

Member of the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission, Director of the General Department of Politics, Senior Lieutenant General Ngo Xuan Lich led a high-ranking military delegation to pay a working visit to Viettel.

Before working with the leadership of Viettel, the Director and the delegation visited officers, specialists and workers at the Research and Development Institute and Communication Company 1 under the military telecommunication group.

At the Viettel headquarters, General Lich and the delegation were briefed on the task performance of the group in 2012.

According to reports, Viettel earned over VND 141,000 billion of turnover, up by 39 per cent from the previous year, and became one of a few outstanding state-run enterprises effectively investing overseas  

truong tong cuc chinh tri tham viettel

truong tong cuc chinh tri tham viettel

In the implementation of its defence and security tasks, Viettel ensured mobile services for all border stations and islands, including Spratly islands, successfully studied some radars and other military equipment and installed video conference systems, serving the defence management and direction.

Alongside the implementation of its military and economic tasks, it paid considerable attention to Party and political work. The Party Committee of Viettel and its subordinate Party organizations emphasized the Party building, strengthened Party organizations, focused on human resource training, especially for political, scientific and technological cadres and took much care of lives of officers, soldiers and workers as well as enhanced corporate culture, comradeship and unity and well performed people mobilization.

At the meeting with Viettel’s leaders, officers and workers, the Chief of the General Department of Politics praised the achievements, especially in the implementation of its defence tasks and economic activities, reached by the group over the past year. 

He stressed that Viettel’s leadership should assess and sum up experiences and lessons on its economic success over the past time in order to provide useful experience and knowledge for the Party, State and Defence to better manage State-run economic groups.

In Party building, General Lich asked the leadership to keep practicing the Party’s core principle “centralization and democracy” in Party activities, actively propose models of Party organizations suitable for developing situations of defence economic enterprises to the Central Military Commission and the General Department of Politics.

The Chief of the General Department of Politics also noted proposals from the group and asked involved bodies under the General Department of Politics to early deal with the issues, creating favourable conditions for the group to well perform defence tasks and economic activities

nguồn : qdnd.vn

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